Jazz in June Garden Tour: 6-6:45 p.m. June 1, Eileen Bergt, Director and Campus Landscape Architect and Kirby Baird, City Campus Landscape Manager, Landscape Services. Tour starts at the east entrance of the Sheldon Museum of Art.
Jazz in June: 7 p.m. June 1, Darryl White Group with guest Dick Oatts, Sheldon Museum of Art. http://www.jazzinjune.com
New Employee Orientation, 9 a.m.-noon, June 2, Nebraska Union. http://hr.unl.edu/er/neo
UPC Fountain Frolics: Jumpin' Kate, noon, June 3, Nebraska Union plaza.
Morrill Hall free admission Thursday, 4:30-8 p.m. June 3, http://www.museum.unl.edu
More details at: http://events.unl.edu/