Sign-up under way for new UNL Alert, confirm information

Students, faculty and staff are asked to sign up once again for UNL Alert in a new system. UNL has joined the statewide alert system through Twenty First Century Communication for cost-savings and for improved service.

Between 7-8:30 a.m. on Jan. 17 there was a crossover between the previous program and the new program. If you signed up during that time please, sign in again and confirm your information.

The new system sends alerts through just email and texts, eliminating the time issues created by making multiple phone calls via cell and landline. It also meets the needs of most users, while assuring that in an emergency or snow-closing, tens of thousands of phone messages are not initiated and slow down the messaging process.

If you attempted to sign into register in UNL Alert earlier and were unable, please try again. We apologize for any inconvenience. Visit to complete your signup or confirm your information today.

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