Campus lectures for the week March 9-15
Monday, March 11
Women’s Week Leadership Luncheon, “Developing a Professional Persona,” 11:30 a.m., Nebraska Union. Call 402-472-2454
Plant Pathology Spring Seminar, "Preliminary Study on the Main Pathogen Causing Sugar Beet Damping-Off in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China," Ying Ma; and "Switchgrass and Panicum Mosaic Virus," Catherine Stewart, 4 p.m., 264 Keim Hall.
Tuesday, March 12
Women’s Week Leadership Luncheon, “Slam Poetry as Power,” 11:30 a.m., Nebraska Union.
Seminar, "What Does Your Online Presence Say About You: Managing Your Online Image," 1:30 p.m., C.Y. Thompson Library, lower level. Call 402-472-3412
Interdisciplinary Art Symposium Lecture, Lori Belilove, founder and artistic director of Lori Belilove and the Isadora Duncan Dance Company, 3:30 p.m., 202 Gaughan Multicultural Center. Call 402-472-5186
Philosophy Lecture, Thomas Grundmann, University of Cologne, 3:30 p.m., 1007 Oldfather Hall
Biochemistry/Redox Biology Center Seminar, “The Sour Side of Sugar: Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycans and Nervous System Regeneration,” Herbert Geller, NIH, 4 p.m., Beadle Center N172. Call 402-472-3173
Entomology Lecture, “Laboratory and Population Variability in Fall Armyworm Susceptibility to Bt Toxin,” Karen da Silva, graduate student, 4 p.m., Entomology Hall. Call 402-472-2123
Lecture, “The Sign of the Last: Gender Material Culture and Artisanal Nostalgia in Thomas Decker’s ‘The Shoem,’” Natasha Korda, Wesleyan University, 5 p.m., 228 Andrews Hall, Bailey Library.
Lecture, “The Nature Theatre: Art and Politics,” Jonathan Fineberg, University of Illinois, 5:30 p.m., Sheldon Museum of Art.
Wednesday, March 13
Presentation, “Shakespeare’s Sister,” 2 p.m., Nebraska Union.
Water Seminar Series, “Effects of the Zebra Mussel Invasion on Aquatic Ecosystems: The Hudson River and Beyond,” David Strayer, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, 3:30 p.m., Hardin Hall. Call 402-472-7372
Biotechnology/Life Sciences Seminar, “Plant Hemoglobins and Hypoxic Respiration,” March Hargrove, Iowa State University, 4 p.m., Beadle Center. Call 402-472-2635
Thursday, March 14
Women’s Week Leadership Luncheon, “Minority Women in Mental Health Professions” panel discussion,” 11:30 a.m., Nebraska Union.
Biochemistry Graduate Student Seminar with Brenna Zimmer, noon, Beadle Center. Call 402-472-2932
Biological Sciences Seminar, “Cascading Ecological Speciation Among Phytophagous Insects and Their Parasitoid Wasp Guilds,” Andrew Forbes, University of Iowa, 3:30 p.m., Hamilton Hall. Call 402-472-2729
Environmental Cognition and Education Seminar, Mark Lubell, University of California, Davis, 4 p.m., Burnett Hall.
Humanities on the Edge Lecture, “Going Home Ain’t Easy: A Politics of Ethics and Advocacy in Performance Ethnography,” E. Patrick Johnson, Northwestern University, 5:30 p.m., Sheldon Museum of Art. Call 402-472-1850
Friday, March 15
Research and Economic Development Seminar, “Write Winning Grants,” 8:30 a.m., East Union. Call 402-472-7003
Women’s Week Leadership Luncheon, “Is the Personal Professional? Navigating the Ethics of Professional and Personal,” 11:30 a.m., Nebraska Union.
Fifth Annual Chambers Philosophy Conference, "Necessity," 1 to 5:15 p.m., Nebraska Union. Call 402-472-2031
Chemistry Colloquium, “Chemical Approaches for the Study of Complex Biological Systems,” Barbara Imperiali, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 3:30 p.m., Hamilton Hall. Call 402-472-3523