Three graduate students in the UNL Department of Art and Art History will present their M.F.A. thesis exhibitions April 1-5 in the Eisentrager-Howard Gallery in Richards Hall.
Gallery hours are 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. A closing reception will be held on Friday, April 5, from 5-7 p.m. in the Gallery.
Presenting their work in this first of three M.F.A. thesis exhibitions this month at the gallery are Alix Knipe, Sean Larson and Audrey Stommes.
Knipe makes sculptural ceramic vessels that integrate the anthropomorphic rhythms of anatomical shapes with the organic undulations of natural land formations. Her work is inspired by her Fulbright Research Fellow study in Turkey last year. She received her B.A. in studio arts from the University of Minnesota and a B.A. in environmental studies and Eastern religious studies from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Fla. She has held prestigious residencies at Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Carbondale Clay Center and was an invited artist at an international symposium titled “KeravanSaray Bulusmas, Battalgazi, Turkey.” Her work has been shown in numerous exhibitions in the United States and internationally, most recently receiving first in show at “Vase Forms” at Studio 101.
Originally from Ellsworth, Wis., Larson earned a B.F.A. in ceramics while attending the University of Wisconsin-Stout and is currently pursuing his M.F.A. in ceramics at UNL. His work has been exhibited and published nationally and has received several awards of note. Recent exhibitions include the Morean Arts Centers “Functional/Dysfunctional” (honorable mention), NCECA “National Juried Student Exhibition” in Philadelphia and “Objects of Virtue” at Lesher Center for the Arts in Walnut Creek, Calif.
Stommes grew up in Sioux Falls, S.D., where she also graduated Cum Laude with a pre-professional art major from Augustana College. She was a resident of the New York Center for Art and Media Studies in Manhattan, N.Y. She is pursuing her M.F.A. in painting and drawing from UNL. Her work has been exhibited nationally. Her recent exhibitions include the Bradley University Gallery’s “34th Bradley International Print and Drawing Exhibition,” Coagula “Group Show” and a Nebraska State Museum Solo Exhibition titled “Origins.” Her M.F.A. thesis exhibition is titled “Dream State.”
The Eisentrager-Howard Gallery is on the first floor of Richards Hall, Stadium Drive and T streets on the UNL city campus. Admission is free and open to the public.
• Remaining M.F.A. thesis exhibitions •
April 8-12: Matthew Blache, Megan McLeay and Emma Nishimura
Reception: Friday, April 12 from 5-7 p.m.
April 15-19: Sam Berner, Gregory Scott Cook and Jacob Francois
Reception: Friday, April 19 from 5-7 p.m.