National media outlets featured and cited UNL sources on a number of topics in the past month. Appearances included:
Sarah Gervais, psychology, had her research that measured people's perceptions and memories of sexually attractive bodies featured by the Boston Globe on April 12. Also in April, her research into the effects of the "objectifying gaze" on women was featured by BigThink.
Paul Haar, music, and the Jazz Ensemble I won DownBeat Magazine's Undergraduate College Outstanding Performance honor in the large jazz ensemble category. Undergraduate student Karl Lyden was named the Undergraduate College Winner for Original Composition Orchestrated Work by the magazine in April.
Wanda Koszewski, nutrition and health sciences, was quoted in an April 26 Associated Press article on a statehouse bill intended to increase access to healthy, affordable food. The article appeared in dozens of media outlets nationwide.
Darrell Mark, agricultural economics, appeared in an April 12 radio story about the drop in cattle operations in key Corn Belt states to give way for acres being planted to row crops. The story appeared nationally on All Things Considered.
Kenneth Price, English and American literature, was the subject of wide national coverage April 12, when he announced his find of nearly 3,000 previously unknown documents by Walt Whitman in the National Archives. His discovery was covered extensively by the Washington Post, Associated Press, Reuters, McClatchy Newspapers, the Chronicle of Higher Education, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Baltimore Sun, the Philadelphia Inquirer and a number of TV and radio outlets around the country. Published articles and broadcast segments highlighting the discovery appeared in hundreds of media outlets worldwide.
Timothy Schaffert, English, had his latest novel, "The Coffins of Little Hope," reviewed by the New York Times on April 13.
Ray Supalla, agricultural economics, was quoted in an April 8 national story by Associated Press about the legal fight between Kansas and Nebraska over water use in the Republican River basin. The story appeared in hundreds of media outlets, including ABC News, the Boston Globe, the Washington Post, Forbes.com, the Las Vegas Sun, Miami Herald, Los Angeles Times, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, San Francisco Chronicle, Denver Post and Dallas Morning News.
Susan Swearer, school psychology, was quoted in an April 22 LiveScience story about bullying's effects on parents, a piece that appeared on a number of national news outlets, including MSNBC.com.
Stephen Taylor, food science and technology, was quoted April 2 by the Detroit Free Press about gluten-free foods for those with celiac disease.
Vicky Weisz, Center on Children, Families and the Law, had research she conducted with Angela Korpas and Twila Wingrove regarding college undergraduates' views on downloading music piracy featured by a number of media outlets in mid-April, including Yahoo! News, ARSTechnica, Physorg.com and Science Daily.
This is a monthly column featuring UNL faculty and staff in the national news. National media often work with University Communications to identify and connect with UNL sources for the purpose of including the university's research, expertise and programming in published or broadcasted work. Faculty, administration, student and staff appearances in the national media are logged at http://newsroom.unl.edu/inthenews/
To offer suggestions regarding potential national news stories or sources at UNL, contact Steve Smith at ssmith13@unl.edu or (402) 472-4226.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/u46