National media outlets featured and cited UNL sources on a number of topics in June, July and August.
Individuals featured nationally between June 10 and Aug. 10 include:
Marvin Ammori, law, penned an Aug. 10 op-ed for the New York Times on the government's regulatory role regarding net neutrality.
Wheeler Winston Dixon, film studies, was quoted on July 2 by CNN.com about whether the capture of several real-life Russian spies would help a real-life espionage film.
Geoffrey Friesen, finance, had his 2007 work on measuring investors' performance on mutual funds cited in the Dallas Morning News and the Austin American-Statesman in August.
Seth Giertz, economics, was quoted in a June 10 Christian Science Monitor story about how high earners may react to expected tax increases.
Peter Harms, management, had his work showing that a person's tendency to describe others in positive terms is an important indicator of the positivity of their own personality traits and emotional stability featured in a number of outlets in August, including United Press International and WebMD.com.
Aemal Khattak, civil engineering, was quoted June 23 by USA TODAY regarding his and colleagues' study of driver confusion in roundabouts.
Ken Kiewra, educational psychology, was quoted Aug. 11 in USA TODAY regarding his research into how undergraduates study on computers and other digital tools. The Washington Post and The Associated Press also featured Kiewra's research on Aug. 11.
Ari Kohen, political science, was quoted July 2 by The Atlantic about the contemporary relevance of political science.
Adam Liska, biological systems engineering, and Richard Perrin, agricultural economics, had their work on estimating the amount of greenhouse gas emissions created by the U.S. military to protect foreign oil featured July 19 by the New York Times' Green Blog. An accompanying news release on Perrin's and Liska's work circulated to dozens of online media outlets, including ScienceDaily.com, RedOrbit.com, PhysOrg.com and eScienceNews.com.
Peter Maslowski, history, was quoted June 21 in a national Associated Press story about the endstages of wars. Maslowski took part in a conference in Washington, D.C., that examined the ways American wars have ended and how those endings have influenced subsequent military actions and history. The story circulated nationally and appeared in hundreds of media outlets across the nation and world.
Chancellor Harvey Perlman appeared extensively in media outlets across the nation in mid-June as the University of Nebraska-Lincoln petitioned for and was granted admittance into the Big Ten Conference. A June 11 news conference with Chancellor Perlman, Athletic Director Tom Osborne and Big Ten Commissioner Jim Delany was carried live on ESPN, the Big Ten Network and scores of online media outlets. Stories focusing on how UNL's academics fit with the Big Ten's core mission appeared in the Chicago Tribune and a number of media outlets across the Midwest. The following week, an op-ed by the chancellor was published in a number of Big Ten-area media outlets, including the Indianapolis Star, the Detroit News, the Patriot-News of Harrisburg, Pa., the News-Gazette of Urbana-Champaign, Ill., the Journal-Courier of Lafayette, Ind., the Iowa City Press-Citizen and the Lansing State Journal.
Paul Royster, UNL libraries, was quoted extensively in a June 13 story in The Chronicle of Higher Education in which digital repositories such as UNL's Digital Commons were examined in depth. Also featured in the piece was emeritus professor Robert Katz as an illustration of how years-old research can gain new readership through the power of a robust digital commons.
Philip Schwadel, sociology, had his study regarding generational differences in loyalty to religion receive wide play in mid-August from Reuters News Service. A story circulated globally and was featured at dozens of news sites and outlets, including ABCNews.com, MSNBC.com, Yahoo! News and the Vancouver Sun. On Aug. 6, his earlier study on U.S. churchgoing rates was cited by the Montgomery Advertiser.
Dave Specht, lecturer in family business management in the College of Business Administration, was quoted in Family Business Magazine's June cover story regarding what makes Duncan Aviation a unique family-owned business. On Aug. 1, he was quoted by the New York Times on the topic of college graduates returning to the family business instead of facing a difficult job market; the story appeared in a number of other newspapers nationwide after it appeared in the Times, including the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
Jay Storz, biology, was quoted in a July 1 New Scientist article on the evolutionary changes occurring in high-altitude Tibetans. Discover Magazine also referenced the research on July 2. On July 26, he was quoted in a LiveScience.com article about the evolutionary factors leading eastern moles to avoid suffocation when they burrow; the article circulated nationally onto a number of partner sites, including the Christian Science Monitor and Science360.gov.
Susan Swearer, educational psychology, co-authored an op-ed on the Massachusetts school bullying case for Newsweek. It appeared in the magazine's June 18 edition.
Eric Thompson, economics, was cited in a story by The Associated Press about the Nebraska Business Forecasting Council's estimates for the state over the next 2 1/2 years. The story circulated nationally and appeared in dozens of media outlets, including Bloomberg BusinessWeek. On Aug. 6, he was quoted in a story on NPR's Morning Edition about Nebraska's relatively low unemployment.
David Watkins, geosciences, was quoted Aug. 4 in the New York Times regarding the Obama administration's moratorium on deepwater drilling and its effect on micropaleontology in the Gulf.
Yiqi Yang, textile chemistry, was quoted Aug. 10 by The Washington Post in a story examining new trends and developments in athletic wear.
This is a regular column featuring UNL faculty and staff in the national news. National media often work with University Communications to identify and connect with UNL sources for the purpose of including the university's research, expertise and programming in published work. To offer suggestions for potential national news stories or sources at UNL, contact Steve Smith at ssmith13@unl.edu or 472-4226.