NUgrant workshops offered this fall

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The Office of Research and Economic Development is offering workshops that provide training in several NUgrant functions for anyone who uses NUgrant to route proposals, file IRB protocols or file IBC protocols. All workshops take place in 201 Alexander West. Please register at

Workshop descriptions and dates are:

NUgrant Basics: Aug. 25, Sept. 29, Oct. 27, or Dec. 1
This hands-on introduction will cover logging on, submitting and routing a proposal, and basic reporting functions.

Filing IBC Protocols: Aug. 25 or Oct. 27
This workshop explains how to use NUgrant to file IBC protocols electronically. Any clinical/diagnostic, research and teaching activities that involve the use or study of Recombinant Nucleic Acids; human, animal and plant pathogens; bloodborne pathogens; and certain transgenic animals and plants are subject to UNL biosafety guidelines. Faculty who engage in these activities must file a protocol with the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) for review and approval.

IRB Protocols/Interest Reporting Forms: Sept. 29 or Dec. 1
Part 1 of this session, for faculty and others who use human subjects in research and teaching, explains how to submit new IRB protocols, apply for continuing review and request approval for modifications. Part 2 explains interest reporting requirements at UNL and reviews the process for submitting the IRF through NUgrant.

More details at: