Dear Colleagues,
A quick welcome back (or first-time welcome) after the summer break. The term "summer break" seems increasingly inappropriate as a term to describe what we do between May commencement and new student orientation. "Summer's end" might work were it not for the continuing heat and humidity. It's a real problem characterizing the here and now. I might have said, "Welcome to the new parking sticker term," but I don't want to call attention to myself. I'm feeling guilty because, contrary to instructions, I installed my new sticker in my window five days early!
Seriously, whatever we call it, there is energy and excitement as a full complement of students visibly appears on campus. In some respects it's the suddenness of it all. One day there is parking; the next day there isn't. One day the student union is accessible for lunch; the next day there are long lines. The drama of this transformation should remind us of the ultimate reason why we exist as an institution. There is so much talent in these young people; so much value for our future; so much responsibility they will have to assume. It is worth taking a minute, in the midst of this chaos, to contemplate how really important our work is.
I hope you all have had a productive time this summer. You have accomplished so much in recent years and the opportunities for further advancing UNL have never been so numerous. I won't burden you now with elaboration for I will do so in the State of the University Address on Sept. 9 at 11 a.m. (shameless promotion). Hope you can attend.
Again, welcome back and thanks for all you have done and all you will do for UNL.
- Harvey Perlman, Chancellor