The Office of Research and Economic Development is seeking full-scale project proposals for the National Science Foundation's Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences program. The submission deadline is Sept. 6.
The OEDG program is designed to increase participation in geosciences by underrepresented groups, including African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Native Pacific Islanders and persons with disabilities. A secondary goal of the program is to increase the perceived relevance of the geosciences among broad and diverse segments of the population. The OEDG program supports activities that will increase the number of members of underrepresented groups who:
- Are involved in formal pre-college geoscience education programs;
- Pursue and earn associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in the geosciences;
- Enter geoscience careers; and
- Participate in informal geoscience education programs.
The OEDG program offers three funding tracks: OEDG Planning Grants; Track 1: Proof-of-Concept Projects; and Track 2: Full-Scale Projects.
UNL officials are seeking proposals for Track 2 projects. Institutions may submit only one Track 2 proposal as either the lead institution in a collaborative proposal or the sole submitting organization. Institutions may participate as a non-lead institution for additional Track 2 proposals.
For more information regarding the internal selection process, go to or contact Noah Clayton at 472-8031.
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