The UNL Faculty Leadership for Writing Initiative welcomes faculty to participate in a 2010-11 Writing Inquiry Group focused on ACE courses. This group of five interdisciplinary faculty members will offer an atmosphere of support for needs that arise at the intersection of ACE Outcomes and writing. Possible topics for WIG exploration might include the following:
- creating or revising a capstone course that features writing to enhance learning and research
- developing writing reinforcement practices for a current course
- designing new writing assignments
- developing writing assessment practices
- integrating "writing to learn" into classroom activities.
The Writing Inquiry Group meets seven times during the year, giving participants an opportunity for cross-disciplinary dialogue. Jessica Rivera, FLWI Project Assistant, and coordinator Shari Stenberg will act as resources, providing a flexible curriculum, suggesting reading material, and/or helping to facilitate discussion.
The outcome for the Writing Inquiry Group will be a completed project (i.e. new or revised course syllabus, discussion of new practices, new assignments, etc. and, if applicable, the ACE course certification proposal).
The material will also be shared with other teachers at a gathering in May 2011. Upon completion of the project, participants will receive $700 in faculty development funds.
Faculty who have participated in Writing Inquiry Groups in the past report the groups enrich their teaching practices and also provide a much-needed opportunity to discuss teaching with colleagues. (For a list of these groups and their projects, see http://flwi.unl.edu/projects/writinginquirygroups.html) In addition, WIG participation may prove valuable to faculty compiling a file for promotion, tenure, or a teaching award.
Anyone interested should contact project assistant Jessica Rivera (jessica.rivera@huskers.unl.edu) by Sept. 17 with the following information:
Focus of your ACE/writing interests
For more information, contact:
Shari Stenberg, FLWI Coordinator
Associate Professor of English
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/y4v