Recognizing that the current boundless access to water is drawing to a close, hydrogeologist James Goeke will hold "A Conversation About Nebraska Water" at 7 p.m., Oct. 5 in the Hardin Hall Auditorium. His presentation will focus on Nebraska's surface and groundwater resources.
"We don't have the abundance of precipitation that other states do, but we have a groundwater resource that is the envy of much of the world," Goeke said. "Right now, we're at a unique point in the history of Nebraska. This is comparable to when windmills and barbed wire were closing the open prairie. Easy access to the water of Nebraska is changing."
Goeke has been employed as a research hydrogeologist with the Conservation and Survey Division at UNL since 1970. He has worked extensively with Nebraska's Natural Resource Districts on regional water studies dealing with the development of groundwater supplies and their connection to surface water flows. He has also been involved with the acquisition and application of data for regional models that will help determine the future of the conjunctive use of Nebraska's water resources.
Free parking and refreshments will be available at the event.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/68r