Hannah Sevian, associate director of the Center of Science and Mathematics at the University of Massachusetts Boston, will present "An Overview of NSF Funding Opportunities in STEM Education and STEM Education Research" at noon Nov. 21 in Hamilton Hall room 102.
This seminar will provide information about several of the main programs in two of the four divisions in the EHR Directorate, the Division of Undergraduate Education and the Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings. The lecture is free and open to the public.
The seminar will include discussion of the proposal writing process from idea definition to proposal development and submission, with tips on what to include, and what not to do, in developing a project summary, project description, budget, letters of commitment, postdoctoral mentoring plan and other aspects of proposal development.
Finally, the seminar will provide a summary of the proposal review process, with an attempt to unpack the meanings of the two merit review criteria, intellectual merit and broader impacts, in the context of projects related to STEM education and STEM education research.
These insights are offered from the perspective of a science education researcher who recently completed a two-year rotation at the NSF in these two divisions, and represent the opinions of the presenter, and not the NSF.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/ruu