Bill Pratt, a former credit card industry executive, will give a "Money Rules!" presentation, 7 to 8:30 p.m., Oct. 11 in the Nebraska Union Auditorium. Pratt is an teaches personal money management at East Carolina University and is author of "Extra Credit: Seven Things Every College Student Should Know about Credit, Debt and Cash."
Pratt will provide tips for making money decisions and offer advice on how students can keep more cash and have fun in college. The event is free and open to the public.
"People think of a budget like some sort of money diet that restricts you and keeps you from doing what you enjoy. In fact, a budget is quite the opposite," Pratt said. "Knowing how much you can spend on things you want without stressing over it will actually let you enjoy your life and your money."
Pratt will also discuss credit cards, budgets, credit scores and identity theft.
The presentation is sponsored by the National Student Loan Program and UNL's Student Money Management Center, http://www.unl.edu/smmc.
Pratt's books will be available at a discount price the night of the event. Proceeds go to the Student Money Management Center.
More details at: http://go.unl.edu/m7w