![BSEN 492/892](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file190336.png)
BSEN 492/892 - GIS and Ecohydrological Modeling for Natural Resources
Spring 2024 in Chase Hall Room 110
Days and Times: Lecture/lab: 1:00-2:30 PM M-W
Instructor: Dr. Aaron Mittelstet
Associate Professor, Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Email: amittelstet2@unl.edu | Phone: (402) 472-1427
Course Description:
Introduction and application of common features of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and ecohydrologic models for natural resources. GIS will be used to create inputs for both the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and HEC-HMS models. Students will learn the main processes used to simulate the hydrology, erosion and pollutant transport for ecohydrological models. The course will be project-based and model locations and simulated variables can be based on the students’ research interests.
There will not be exams, but the students are required to submit regular work updates, project reports, and present their work.