The spring player development program is well under way. We started the program this semester at the beginning of February with lessons in the simulation and teaching labs. The lessons were taught by Jim White, PGA and Greg Johannesen, PGA.
Jim and Greg each took on two students per hour, for four hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. The objective is to have the student get a ½ hour lesson and then observe another student get a lesson. Generally several other students sit in to observe as can be seen in the photo.
Lesson observation also serves as a class assignment. Jim and Greg are very good at involving the students that are observing. Jim and Greg ask the students what they see and what they would focus on then Jim and Greg explain what they are going to do and why.
The students also learn how to use the technology (in the labs) in lessons as JC video, Trackman, GCQuad and the ion swing cameras are all incorporated into the lessons. The lessons ended on March 8 and the next phase of the player development will start after spring break.
After spring break the group lessons will start as well as the tournament program and PATs. The group lessons will be taught by Alex Carper, PGA at Wilderness Ridge and cover all the short game skills (i.e., bunkers, chipping, pitching, and putting). We will have 10-12 tournaments this spring including the “Stroke Play Championship”, which will take place April 12 and 13 at Dakota Dunes Golf Club in Dakota Dunes, SD.
Finally we will also have three (3) PATs (Playing Ability Tests - needed to qualify for PGA membership) including a return to Jack Rabbit Run on April 24, in Grand Island. We hope to get a bunch more students through the PAT this spring!
Thank you Jim and Greg for all you do for our students and their professional and personal development!
More details at: