Why the "Cache"?

Hands typing on computer keyboard
Hands typing on computer keyboard

A cache, in computer terms, is a temporary storage space that allows fast access to information. The WDN Governance Board thought a bit about what we could call this newsletter other than something generic like "News" – and instead something that defines the utility of the web.

Substantially all content that describes Dear Old Nebraska U is found on UNL.edu, a cache of content defined over hundreds of thousands of web pages. All of this content is waiting to be delivered upon request. Every bit of information we deliver, and there's a lot of it, is delivered because someone asked for it.

And ask, they do. Around 90 million times a year, one of our students, faculty or staff, or parents or Nebraskans, or just someone interested in the university or what we're doing, types "unl.edu" in a browser window, clicks on a Google search result, or follows a link to our university.

In this quarterly report, we'll elevate the work of web developers at Nebraska and inform the university community about emerging issues in online technology and the important role the website serves as our university's digital campus.

More details at: https://wdn.unl.edu