5.2 Framework Release - August 9

At the most recent WDN Governance Board meeting, the board voted to change the default framework font from Mercury (serif) to Gotham (sans serif). We've long had requests to switch the default font site to sans-serif, and this move will facilitate that while also still allowing the use of Mercury for design purposes.

In addition to the change in default fonts, we’re adding Visit / Apply / Give links to the header of all framework pages. These will be located below the main navigation items on “mobile” and to the left of the login on “desktop.” Each will include global links to pages with university-wide links for each, but we’re also including editable regions for your own local links (e.g. your department’s NU Foundation page). Now would be a good time to be thinking about destinations for those local links.

Lastly, the framework will be gaining dark mode. Colors shown on university sites will automatically default to a user’s preferred color scheme as selected in their operating system.