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As of March 1, 2016 news releases are integrated into UNL Today as a section of curated stories that include subject/expert contact info and high-resolution photography assets.

UNL News Releases

391 through 405 out of 4957
release date headline event date
UNL study: Honey bee behavior altered by insecticides
Certain insecticides common to U.S. orchards appear to make honey bees substantially less busy, according to a new study led by UNL entomologists. Released just days prior to a May 19 White House report calling for greater protection of pollinators,…
UNL study: Do birds of a feather talk together? That depends
Birds of a feather flock together: It's an old saying that is true in many ways. But as the U.S. population becomes more diverse, those we count as our closest friends and confidants are changing as well, a new study shows. …
UNL study shows college students are digitally distracted in class
The typical college student plays with his or her digital device an average of 11 times a day while in class, according to a new study by a University of Nebraska-Lincoln associate professor. More than 80 percent admit that the…
UNL study scrutinizes worker dignity at Foxconn, Apple plants
In the global controversy that followed a rash of worker suicides at Foxconn Technology Group -- the Taiwanese company whose huge Chinese factories assemble the world's most popular consumer electronics -- the firm and corporate partner…
UNL study probes evolutionary roots of patience in primates
A chimpanzee will wait more than two minutes to eat six grapes, but a black lemur would rather eat two grapes now than wait any longer than 15 seconds for a bigger serving. It's an echo of the dilemma human …
UNL study on Nebraska Latino youth is first of its kind
A research team based at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln wants to understand what factors predict Latino youth adjustment by launching a large-scale study of Latino youth in Nebraska. The goal is to under…
UNL study of emancipation documents reveals rare look into slaves' lives
More than eight months before the Emancipation Proclamation broke the bondage of slavery across the South, a much more singularly focused experiment in equality was playing out in the country's capital. The Compensated Emancipation…
UNL study looks at small hands, smaller piano keyboard
Brenda Wristen said she never gave much thought to the ergonomics of piano keyboards until she woke up one morning years ago and couldn't move her arms. She was in graduate school at Texas Tech University, and "needless to say, that got my attention…
UNL study examines racial bias in death-penalty decisions
A Latino defendant convicted of murder who is poor is more likely to be sentenced to death by white jurors, a new study shows. The study was conducted by UNL psychology and ethnic studies professor Cynthia W…
UNL study estimates climate change's impact on Arctic regions by 2099
Imagine the vast, empty tundra in Alaska and Canada giving way to trees, shrubs and plants typical of more southerly climates. Imagine similar changes in large parts of Eastern Europe, northern Asia and Scandinavia, as needle-leaf and broadleaf fores…
UNL study connects ogling, vulnerability to sexual assault
University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers have taken a first step toward understanding why some women struggle to say "no" to unwanted sexual advances and are more vulnerable to sexual victimization. Past research has shown a connection between a l…
UNL study characterizes genetic resistance to wheat disease
A new study co-authored by University of Nebraska-Lincoln researchers has unearthed the genetic roots of resistance to a wheat disease that has recently devastated crop yields from southern Africa through the Middle East. Though reports…
UNL study aims to reduce, eliminate social anxiety for rural Nebraskans
By some estimates, more than 12 percent of people suffer from social anxiety in their lifetime that would benefit from treatment. Problem is, not all of these people live close enough to the expert therapists who can help. …
UNL students, staff to aid Omaha Nation in Jan. 4-6 service-learning trip
Seven University of Nebraska-Lincoln students and two staff employees will finish the university's seasonal break assisting the Omaha Tribe in Macy. The group will take part in a service-learning event, "Macy Alternative Service Break," Jan. 4-6. The…
UNL students, faculty honored for outstanding graduate education
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Office of Graduate Studies presented 12 awards for outstanding graduate education at its annual Graduate Studies Awards Reception last month. The award winners, with their …


For questions regarding these releases, contact:
Sean Hagewood
Phone: (402) 472-8514
Fax: (402) 472-7825

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