Nebraska 4-H is presenting virtual Lunch and Learn sessions during National Volunteer Week. Each free Zoom session will be 30 minutes of content and 30 minutes of discussion/networking. All sessions will be recorded and begin at 12 p.m. CST. Register at https://ssp.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0GnCuygJjumIr9I — registration will remain open through the series.
Monday, April 17: 4-H Club Meetings 101
• Are you new to your role as a 4-H Club Leader or need a re-fresher? This session is for you! We will cover the 4-H meeting wheel for structuring club experiences with a focus on practical and fun ways to make these experiences impactful!
• Presenter: Jill Goedeken, Nebraska 4-H Volunteer Extension Educator
Tuesday, April 18: Creating a Vibrant 4-H Club Experience
• Volunteers will learn how to implement important strategies for creating a vibrant 4-H club experience! Learn how to attract youth to your 4-H club, how and why volunteers should create a sense of belonging in the club experience and why removing barriers to belonging are important. Great session for the new or experienced 4-H club volunteer!
• Presenters: Carrie Olson and Karyn Santl, University of Minnesota
Wednesday, April 19: YOU Help Youth Thrive!
• This session will help volunteers understand the impact of their role by helping youth find their spark through 4-H and how their work in creating 4-H experiences for youth is helping them thrive now and later in life. This session will share the newest research relating to the 4-H volunteer role — don’t miss it!
• Presenters: Kristen Herrick and Alyssa Neff, Nebraska 4-H PYD Interns and Jill Goedeken, Nebraska 4-H Volunteer Extension Educator
Thursday, April 20: Shared Leadership and Succession Planning for 4-H Clubs
• Volunteers will learn the importance of and implementation strategies for shared leadership for the 4-H club leader role. Succession planning for the 4-H volunteer role in the 4-H club experience will also be highlighted. A great session for any volunteer working with the 4-H club model.
• Presenters: Carrie Olson and Patrick Jirik, University Of Minnesota