Nebraska 4-H’s Premier Communication Event consists of several state-level contests: Prepared Speech, Radio Public Service Announcements, Illustrated Presentation, Impromptu Speech and Video Communication. The event will be held on Monday, June 17 and Tuesday, June 18 at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln East Campus. Most contests require qualifying at a county contest, except for the Impromptu Speech and Video Communication contests, where any 4-H youth ages 8-18 may participate. More information is at https://4h.unl.edu/premier-communication-event. Entries must be submitted by Extension office personnel by Thursday, May 30 at Noon. If you are interested in participating in Impromptu Speech or Video Communication, contact the Extension office at 402-441-7180 or lancaster4H@unl.edu before then, preferably by Wednesday, May 29, or earlier. Lancaster County 4-H Council will submit entries online and the Lancaster County 4-H Council will pay contest entry fees for Lancaster County 4-H’ers.