Farmers Cooperative is providing complimentary T-shirts for area youth showing at local county fairs. Sign up at https://www.farmersco-operative.com/fair by Friday, May 24. Shirts can be picked up at Farmers Cooperative locations, including Firth and Raymond, beginning about the end of June. These T-shirts are for both 4-Her's and their leaders/parents. When filling out the order form, you will need to choose which co-op location you would like to pick up your T-shirts from. If you have any questions, contact the Farmers Cooperative marketing department at marketing@farmersco-operative.com or 402-946-2211.
Note: This shirt is NOT associated with 4-H and will not meet the requirements of an official 4-H T-shirt at Lancaster County Super Fair animal shows. However, this shirt IS an opportunity available to ALL 4-H & FFA youth exhibitors at the Lancaster County Super Fair.