Partnering with Nebraska 4-H, Beyond School Bells is supporting partial and full scholarships for youth to attend 4-H camp this summer! Priority is granted to youth who are eligible to receive free and reduced school lunch. If your school participates in Beyond School Bells or is on the following list of 21st Century Community Learning Schools you are encouraged to apply.
Eligible Schools in Lincoln:
-Brownell Elementary
-Calvert Elementary
-Campbell Elementary
-Clinton Elementary
-Elliott Elementary
-Everett Elementary
-Hartley Elementary
-Holmes Elementary
-Huntington Elementary
-Lakeview Elementary
-McPhee Elementary
-Norwood Park Elementary
-Pershing Elementary
-Prescott Elementary
-Randolph Elementary
-Riley Elementary
-Saratoga Elementary
-West Lincoln Elementary
-Culler Middle School
-Dawes Middle School
-Goodrich Middle School
-Lefler Middle School
-Mickle Middle School
-Park Middle School
-Lincoln High School
-North Star High School
-Northeast High School
To participate an application can be filled out for each student interested in attending at https://go.unl.edu/ne4hcamp.
For more information about 4-H summer camps, visit https://4h.unl.edu/programs-camps.