Nebraska 4-H's Premier Animal Science Event (PASE) will be held June 20–21 on UNL East Campus. Open to all 4-H’ers ages 8-18 (by January 1 of 2024), these statewide contests include Livestock Judging, Poultry Judging, Livestock Skill-a-thon and NEW IN 2024 — the Companion Animal Challenge and Animal Welfare Judging contests. For more information, visit https://4h.unl.edu/pase. Entries must be submitted by your Extension office personnel by Thursday, May 30 at Noon. If you are interested in participating in PASE, contact the Extension office at 402-441-7180 or lancaster4h@unl.edu, preferably by May 29 or earlier. Lunch is available both days for $5 per contestant — Lancaster County 4-H’ers need to let the Extension office know if they want lunch reserved, and if they have any dietary restrictions. Lancaster County 4-H Council will pay for any contest entry fees, but not lunch for Lancaster County 4-H’ers. Bring $5 per meal — cash or check (payable to Lancaster County 4-H Council) — to PASE and give to Madelaine Polk.