The 4-H Table Setting Contest will be held during the Super Fair on Friday, Aug. 2 at the Sandhills Global Event Center, South Hall (formerly Exhibit Hall) — use east entrance. Participants select a theme, wear a costume related to that theme and display one place setting, including table covering, dishes, glassware, silverware, centerpiece and menu. (Do not bring/prepare food.) 4-H’ers give a 5-minute prepared presentation about their table to a judge. Register by Tuesday, July 23 by calling 402-441-7180 (there is no entry form). Provide 4-H’ers age and category (picnic, casual, formal or birthday). Judging time slots will be at 5 p.m., 6 p.m. or 7 p.m. and will be assigned ahead of time by 4-H staff. Scheduled times are mailed to participants about a week prior to the fair. A “how-to” handout is available at https://lancaster.unl.edu/4h/fair/2024/Tablesetting-24.pdf.