Interact with 4-H youth demonstrating healthy decision making at the 4-H Culinary Challenge. Contestants create a menu, prepare one food item, and choose an appropriate theme for their occasion, all while expressing their food, nutrition, and food safety knowledge during a live interview with a judge at the contest.
This contest is for youth ages 8–18 (by Jan. 1 of the current year) who form teams of two members to represent Lancaster County at the State Fair. Contest will be held on Saturday, August 24, 4-8 p.m. (time slots will be assigned) at the Raising Nebraska building at Fonner Park. A themed table, a menu including a challenge ingredient (in 2024, the ingredient is soy) and a technology presentation are exhibited during a live judge interview. 4-H’ers do not need to qualify at a county contest to participate. To participate, call Kristin Geisert at 402-441-7180 or email kristin.geisert@unl.edu by Monday, Aug. 5. For more information, see https://4h.unl.edu/fairbook/contests/culinary-challenge.
For more about 4-H at the State Fair, visit https://4h.unl.edu/state-fair.