Lancaster County 4-H asks for adults and youth ages 8 and up to help 4-H during the Lancaster County Super Fair at the Sandhills Global Event Center. If you, someone from your club or an interested volunteer would like to help, contact the Extension office at 402-441-7180.
Help is needed:
• IN THE 4-H FOOD STAND (ages 8 and up) from Thursday, Aug. 1 through Sunday, Aug. 4 (sign up online at http://go.unl.edu/foodstandsignup). All volunteers are strongly encouraged to attend the food stand training on Sunday, July 28, 5 p.m. in the Ag Society Hall (formerly Lincoln Room).
• WITH STATIC EXHIBIT SET-UP (ages 8 and up) on Sunday, July 28, 5:30 p.m., in the Ag Society Hall. Bring power screwdrivers, if available. Pizza will be served to the volunteers after set-up.
• DURING JUDGING OF STATIC EXHIBITS (ages 12 and up) on Wednesday, July 31.
The Lancaster County Ag Society invites 4-H/FFA exhibitors and their families (ages 5 and up) to participate in the 4-H/FFA Family Volunteer Fun Days to help with fairgrounds setup on Monday, July 29 and Tuesday, July 30, anytime between 4–10 p.m. Sign up at http://SuperFair.org/GetInvolved. Volunteers will receive a fair volunteer T-shirt, meal and beverages.