Opportunity to be a Co-Advisor for a Recognized Student Organization

Tau Sigma Lambda
Tau Sigma Lambda

Tau Sigma is a National Honor Society for Transfer Students. It gives this diverse group of outstanding students an opportunity to build their leadership skills as officers as soon as they join. The chapter also sends students and may fund this Co-Advisor to attend an annual Student Leadership Conference, most recently held in Washington, DC.

The national office sponsors a scholarship competition for members and awarded $100,000 last year. Lambda Chapter at Nebraska has had at least one scholarship recipient in each year of the competition.

The local chapter hosts social events like our traditional Ice Cream Social, is involved in service projects and hosts an annual Induction Ceremony.

This would be a great opportunity for a graduate student or new advisor to try out a shared advising responsibility for a student organization and build their own leadership skills. This chapter is hoping to increase their Social Media presence, so skills in that area would be helpful.

Contact JoAnn Moseman for more information. (joann.moseman@unl.edu or 402-472-9455)

More details at: https://success.unl.edu/programs/transfer/tau-sigma-lambda