![Enroll in CSCE 361 during the summer session.](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file129257.jpg)
CSCE 361: Software Engineering will be offered this summer. This course will span the first and second 5-week sessions (June 8 – August 13), and will meet MWF 8-9:25 a.m.
Students will be introduced to software engineering concepts, including:
• Software development processes
• Modeling software
• Software configuration management
• Capturing and analyzing software requirements
• Software design principles
• Software architecture
• Good coding practices
• Testing software
• Software maintenance
Through individual and group projects, students will practice techniques used in the disciplined development of software projects. Students will later employ these concepts and techniques at scale in Senior Design and in their future careers.
The prerequisite for this course is CSCE 310.
Questions? Contact Chris Bohn: bohn@unl.edu.