X-DBER 2023 Conference: Registration is open

We are pleased to invite you to X-DBER 2023, a conference exploring themes in discipline-based education research across STEM disciplines. This virtual conference will take place April 3-5, hosted by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

We look forward to fostering cross-disciplinary conversations focused on several core themes: educational tools and interventions; learning and cognition; diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and belonging; interdisciplinary research frontiers; and discipline-based education research methods. New this year, we will be charging a registration fee: $40 for faculty and $20 for students.

Please check out the conference web page to see the full agenda and list of featured speakers: (https://scimath.unl.edu/x-dber).

To register, visit https://scimath-portal.unl.edu/

We are introducing a new registration system for this event. Upon the first time visiting the registration portal, you will be asked to create an account and verify your email address. After completing these two steps, you can proceed to Upcoming Events and click on the X-DBER 2023 registration.

If you have any questions, contact us at scimath@unl.edu.

The X-DBER 2023 Organizers:
Brian Couch, Joe Dauer, Tomas Helikar, Alena Moon, and Grace Panther of University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Content Committee:
Pamela Auburn, Lone Star College; Stephanie Gardner, Purdue University; Melinda Lanius, Auburn University; Laura Lukes, University of British Columbia; Jason Morphew, Purdue University; Johnny Rodriguez, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; and Patricia Soto, Creighton University

Sponsored by the NebraskaSCIENCE Program of Excellence and run by the staff in the Center for Science, Mathematics, and Computer Education