Methodology Applications Series: Treatment Fidelity from a Measurement Perspective

Jim Bovaird, MAP Academy co-director
Jim Bovaird, MAP Academy co-director

UNL's Methodology, Analytics & Psychometrics (MAP) Academy is kicking off a Spring 2023 Methodology Application Series on Friday, March 3rd with a virtual presentation on Treatment Fidelity led by Jim Bovaird, MAP Academy co-director.

Treatment fidelity is a multifaceted concept that can be very difficult to measure well. This presentation will draw parallels between treatment fidelity and general psychological and educational measurement, focusing on the concepts of construct explication, reliability, validity and the potential benefits of utilizing treatment fidelity information — or the consequences of failing to do so.

The presentation is free and open to the public.

Join the presentation Friday, March 3, at the zoom link below.