Next Week's Journal Club: Student resistance to active learning: do instructors (mostly) get it wrong?

Instructors’ perceptions of student resistance to active learning have significant implications for STEM education, as it can provide a barrier to adoption of best teaching practices. A recent article by Andrews et al. on this topic will provided the basis for next week's discussion.

To get the most out of the journal discussion, we request that you review the article prior to our meeting.

Madison E. Andrews, Matthew Graham, Michael Prince, Maura Borrego, Cynthia J. Finelli & Jenefer Husman (2020) Student resistance to active learning: do instructors (mostly) get it wrong?, Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 25:2, 142-154, DOI:10.1080/22054952.2020.1861771

Thurs, 3/9, from 2-3pm