EN Thompson Committee

EN Thompson Committee
EN Thompson Committee

2021-2022 ENT Student Subcommittee Member Application

Be a part of Lincoln’s and UNL’s premier lecture series, the EN Thompson Forum on World Issues. We are looking for smart, hardworking, and creative students to be part of the Forum on World Issues Student Committee.

What do you get to do?
• Help create, organize and implement the annual Forum Youth Panel
• Have special access to attend and assist with Forum events (including receptions/dinners)
• Facilitate student and campus engagement with Forum guests through student events
• Suggest potential speakers

What skills do you develop?
• Create fliers/videos to promote events
• Work with community partners and student groups on events
• Write press releases for events
• Research speakers and topics
• Brainstorm lecture events
• Learn about event planning
• Photograph events

Why bother?
• Meet well-known speakers (past speakers include celebrities, politicians, authors, journalists)
• Network with faculty and community leaders
• Gain professional contacts
• Be involved in your community
• Meet other UNL students with a common interest

Timeline and Time Commitment
• The committee will start in June 2021 through May 2022
• Depending on the time of the week, monthly or bi-weekly 1 hour meetings (virtually or in-person)
• Attend Forum events

Click here to apply!