This fall CIRTL is offering 3 courses, 1 event series, and 10 workshops for graduate students and postdocs pursuing teaching careers in STEM disciplines. Fall programming covers a range of teaching and learning topics: accessibility, evidence-based teaching fundamentals, academic professional development, teaching development for postdocs, science communication, and teaching-as-research.
All registration lins are available at this link: https://cirtl.net/fall-2023-cirtl-network-programming/
Registration opens on Monday, August 14 at 12PM Central Time. Uncapped programming – like our event series and most workshops – is open for registration until it takes place, while capped programming – courses and some workshops – is open for registration until capacity is reached (which typically happens within several weeks). Anyone can register to attend programming, but participants from CIRTL member institutions and alumni will receive priority when registering for capped programming.
Subscribe to our newsletter to receive programming updates. Questions? Contact CIRTL’s help desk at registration@cirtl.net.
Supporting Neurodivergent Students
Learn about common forms of neurodiversity, the obstacles that neurodiverse students might encounter in academia, and teaching strategies to overcome those obstacles in this two-part workshop. All participants will attend a first session on Wednesday, November 8; then, participants can choose from attending one of two follow-up sessions on either Monday, November 20 or 27. Sessions take place in Zoom at 1-3PM AT / 12-2PM ET / 11AM-1PM CT / 10AM-12PM MT / 9-11AM PT. No cap. Registration opens Monday, August 14.
Creating Accessible Teaching and Research Documents in STEM
Understand why document accessibility matters and explore the LaTeX software for mathematical equations in this two-part workshop that combines accessibility fundamentals with technical training. This workshop meets in Zoom on Fridays, November 17 and December 1 at 1-2:30PM AT / 12-1:30PM ET / 11AM-12:30PM CT / 10-11:30AM MT / 9-10:30AM PT. No cap. Registration opens Monday, August 14.
Getting Started with Universal Design for Learning
Explore the basic principles of Universal Design for Learning and apply them to resources or practices you use in your own teaching in this two-part workshop. This workshop meets in Zoom on Thursdays, December 7 and 14 at 2-3:30PM AT / 1-2:30PM ET / 12-1:30PM CT / 11AM-12:30PM MT / 10-11:30AM PT. No cap. Registration opens Monday, August 14.
Evidence-based teaching fundamentals
Teaching Discomfort: Facilitating Challenging Discussions in the Classroom
Learn best practices on navigating challenging classroom discussions in this two-part workshop. In this workshop, participants will explore evidence-based approaches that they can apply to their own classrooms and in a variety of disciplinary contexts. This workshop meets in Zoom on Thursdays, September 21 and 28 at 3:30-5PM AT / 2:30-4PM ET / 1:30-3PM CT / 12:30-2PM MT / 11:30AM-1PM PT. No cap. Registration opens Monday, August 14.
The College Classroom
Get an introduction to key learning principles and the basics of effective, evidence-based teaching practices in this 12-week course about teaching in the college classroom. This course meets in Zoom on Tuesdays, September 26 through December 12, at 3-4:30PM AT / 2-3:30PM ET / 1-2:30PM CT / 12-1:30PM MT / 11AM-12:30PM PT. No cap. Registration opens Monday, August 14 and closes Monday, September 18.
Beyond participation: Inclusive Perspectives on Student Engagement and Feedback
Explore inclusive teaching and active learning frameworks in order to develop practices and class policies that support student engagement in this two-part workshop. This workshop meets in Zoom on Thursdays, September 28 and October 5, at 2-3:15PM AT / 1-2:15PM ET / 12-1:15PM CT / 11AM-12:15PM MT / 10-11:15AM PT. No cap. Registration opens Monday, August 14.
Fostering Student Belonging through Inclusive Language
Understand how language shapes student belonging, and explore resources and identify practices that center inclusive language in your teaching practice in this two-part workshop. This workshop meets in Zoom on Wednesday, October 11 and 25 at 1-2:30PM AT / 12-1:30PM ET / 11AM-12:30PM CT / 10-11:30AM MT / 9-10:30AM PT. Cap: 40. Registration opens Monday, August 14 and closes when capacity is reached.
Teaching with Transparency: Evidence-Based Approaches to Foster Student Motivation and Engagement
Learn how adding transparency into your teaching can strengthen active learning, assignments, and assessment in this two-part workshop. This workshop meets in Zoom; schedule is TBD. No cap. Registration for this workshop will open by late August.
Writing an Effective Teaching Philosophy Statement Section 1
Draft a peer-reviewed teaching philosophy statement that reflects your teaching beliefs and experiences in this two-part workshop. This workshop meets in Zoom on Mondays, September 11 and 25 at 3-4:30PM AT / 2-3:30PM ET / 1-2:30PM CT / 12-1:30PM MT / 11AM-12:30PM PT. Cap: 50. Registration opens Monday, August 14 and closes when capacity is reached.
Writing an Effective Teaching Philosophy Statement Section 2
Draft a peer-reviewed teaching philosophy statement that reflects your teaching beliefs and experiences in this two-part workshop. This workshop meets in Zoom on Wednesdays, September 13 and 27 at 3-4:30PM AT / 2-3:30PM ET / 1-2:30PM CT / 12-1:30PM MT / 11AM-12:30PM PT. Cap: 50. Registration opens Monday, August 14 and closes when capacity is reached.
Exploring Careers in Teaching at a Community College
Become familiar with teaching careers at community colleges in this three-part event series that explores the joys and challenges of teaching at a community college, the broad diversity of students in their courses, how that diversity enhances learning, and the ins/outs of finding a full-time teaching position at a community college. This series meets in Zoom on Thursdays, October 26, November 9, and December 7 at 2-3:30PM AT / 1-2:30PM ET / 12-1:30PM CT / 11AM-12:30PM MT / 10-11:30AM PT. No cap. Registration opens Monday, August 14.
Postdoc Teaching Practicum
Work with an experienced instructor in your discipline to enhance your understanding and experience of teaching a university course in this semester-long mentorship program. This course meets in Zoom; schedule is TBD. No cap. Registration for this course will open by late August.
Lab Reports, Grants, & Infographics: How Our Disciplines Shape the Writing We Assign
Understand the types of writing most important in your discipline, and explore ways to craft assignments that help students develop those writing skills in this one-part workshop. This workshop meets in Zoom on Wednesday, October 4 at 3-5PM AT / 2-4PM ET / 1-3PM CT / 12-2PM MT / 11AM-1PM PT. Cap: 35. Registration opens Monday, August 14 and closes when capacity is reached.
TAR Express: A Teaching-as-Research Very Short Course
Identify the building blocks of a teaching-as-research (TAR) inquiry in this short course: a TAR question, data you would collect to answer that question, and ways you can formalize and share your results with others interested in teaching and learning. This course meets in Zoom on Wednesdays, September 13, September 20, and November 1 at 1-2:30PM AT / 12-1:30PM ET / 11AM-12:30PM CT / 10-11:30AM MT / 9-10:30AM PT. In addition to those meeting times, participants will meet with instructors for one-on-one coaching sessions in between the second and third class meetings. Cap: 12. Registration opens Monday, August 14 and closes when capacity is reached.
More details at: https://cirtl.net/fall-2023-cirtl-network-programming/