Bi-Lingual Broadcast Journalism Intern, Flood Communications (Omaha)

Flood Communications 
Internship Program is looking for bi-lingual (English and Spanish) students who 
are seeking a future career in television and/or radio broadcasting.
This program is designed 
for students who want to learn the ABCs of how a news station works; from
 creative and community services, to ultimately getting the news product on the 
air. Flood Communications is seeking the next generation
 of "news gatherers." They are 
looking for out-of-the-box ideas, web-based as well as over the air
broadcasting techniques. Students with
online savvy; who want to write, report, produce and have a passion for
multi-platform news should apply.

This internship will be based in Omaha at KBBX FM.

Paid Summer Internship: $10 per hour – 40 hours per week.

Students will learn to gather news. With that in mind, all interested applicants should have a vast knowledge of all current events. The intern will work a rotating schedule that will allow them to experience in-house and field task, including, but not limited to, assignment desk assistance, general assignment reporter shadow, a writer /producer shadow as well as reporting.

Things You Need To Know About Flood Communications
 College Internship Program: 

1. Internships are only available to college junior or senior students.

2. Internships begin May 23rd and conclude August 5th (one quarter or a semester) and a minimum of 40 hours per week.

3. Students must provide at least one recommendation from a "student advisor," who will be the prime contact throughout the internship.
Seeking Bachelors Degree in desired fields Social Sciences & Liberal Studies/Journalism Social Sciences & Liberal Studies/Communications.

Please submit a Cover Letter, Writing Sample, Other Documents and a Demo Reel (if available) by April 3.

Send to: Christina Sirek 