Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Laura Cook of Lincoln as winner of the February “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.
Laura has volunteered for 4-H in a wide variety of ways since 2014:
• Parent volunteer and current leader of the Go Go Goat Getters 4-H club which gives non-farm youth the opportunity to help raise and show a dairy goat.
• Parent volunteer for the Pick-a-Pig 4-H club which gives non-farm youth the opportunity to help raise and show a pig.
• Helps 4-H at the Lancaster County Super Fair with setting up static exhibit displays, during the Dairy Goat and Swine shows, as well as staffing shifts at 4-H Council’s food stand.
• Assists with 4-H Clover College’s Giddy Goats workshop.
• Helps the Go Go Goat Getters club provide a booth at Kiwanis Karnival.
“It’s fun to see the kids learn so much, make great friends and give back to their community,” she says. “I have also made many lasting friendships through 4-H. It’s a great way to spend time with my kids. I love interacting with the public at the fair as well as other events. It’s fun to educate others while you have a fun conversation! I would encourage everyone to get involved in 4-H — the rewards are great!”
Lancaster County 4-H thanks Laura for donating her time and talents. People like her are indeed the heart of 4-H!