Fridays, Feb. 19 and 26, 9 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Virtual workshops via Zoom — attend one or both workshops.
Workshops for nursery & green industry professionals, public works employees, landscape managers, arborists, tree board volunteers and cemetery & grounds keepers.
• Weathering the Storms of Turfgrass Diseases
• Is Your Turf Another Animal’s “Home Turf”?
• Trees in a Changing Environment
• Countering EAB: an In-Depth Look at Common Systemic Insecticides Used to Treat Emerald Ash Borer
ISA and NAA CEU credits available
Register by Feb. 12. Cost $20/person for one day, $30/person for both days. Register at https://go.unl.edu/prohort.
For more information, call Sarah Browning at 402-441-7180 or go to https://go.unl.edu/prohort