If you have a pesticide applicators license expiring in April, 2021 — either private or commercial, or you need to get a new license — classes begin soon. Make plans now to attend the training option that fits your needs.
Trainings will be held only if current COVID-19 conditions permit. Pre-registration will be required due to room capacity limitations for COVID-19. Attendees will be required to wear masks at the trainings.
Commercial/noncommercial applicators are professionals who apply restricted-use pesticides for hire or compensation. Anyone who applies pesticides to the property of another person, either restricted- or general-use products, for control of pests in lawns, landscapes, buildings or homes must also have a commercial pesticide applicators license. Public employees (those employed by a town, county, state) applying mosquito control pesticides whether restricted- or general-use, must also hold a commercial or noncommercial certification.
Commercial/noncommercial applicators have several options to recertify or get a new license.
Traditional training classes — visit http://pested.unl.edu for dates, locations and registration. Preregistration is required! Cost is $80 per online registration, or $90 per mail or fax registration. Trainings are planned to be held at the Lancaster Extension Education Center, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Lincoln:
• Initial trainings starting at 8:30 a.m. — Feb. 2, Feb. 25, March 16 and April 6.
• Recertification trainings starting at 8:30 a.m. — Feb. 4, Feb. 9, March 11, March 25, March 30 and April 8.
It is highly recommended you obtain and review the written study materials prior to attending. This will greatly improve your chances of passing the written examination. Study materials for all commercial categories must be purchased online at https://pested.unl.edu (click on “Classes & Study Materials”).
Testing-Only sessions — Take a written, closed-book exam given by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA). All walk-in testing sessions are currently being held by appointment only. Visit https://pested.unl.edu, for a list of available test-only dates, times, locations and to register. Cost $5.
Pearson VUE testing — Take a computer-based test provided by the NDA. No training is given with this option; testing only. Not all categories are offered, so visit https://nda.nebraska.gov/pesticide/pearson_vue_testing.html for a list of testing sites, categories available, dates, locations and registration information. Cost $55 per exam. (Multiple categories are each charged the full fee.)
A private pesticide applicator is a person who uses or supervises the use of restricted-use pesticides in the production of agricultural commodities on land owned or rented by them or their employer. You are not eligible to purchase or apply restricted-use pesticides until you are both certified and licensed. Private applicators have five options to be certified this year: NEW online self-study, in-person trainings, hard copy home self-study and direct exam-only option through the NDA. Please read all options below as modifications have been made to the certification process this year for COVID-19.
Online private self-study — A new online training can be found at https://pested.unl.edu/certification-and-training. The online option only takes 3–4 hours and allows for a test-out option at the beginning, and if passed (70% or better score), the rest of the online training is not required. You are highly encouraged to consider this option due to evolving COVID-19 directed health measures. This option is flexible to fit your schedule. The cost is $50/person.
Traditional training classes — Register at https://croptechcafe.org/training. Trainings at the Lancaster Extension Education Center, 444 Cherrycreek Road, Lincoln will be on Wednesdays, Feb. 10, Feb. 17 and Mar. 3 from 1–4 p.m. Cost is $50/person by check (University of Nebraska–Lincoln) or cash.
Hard copy home self-study — This option is for those with limited access to internet and a computer. Please contact the UNL Pesticide Safety Education office at 402-472-1632 to arrange for a hard copy to be mailed to you. Cost is $75/person.
Testing-only option — Take a written, closed-book exam given by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA). All walk-in testing sessions are currently being held by appointment only. Visit https://pested.unl.edu, for a list of available test-only dates, times, locations and to register. Cost $5.