Nebraska Extension in Lancaster County NEBLINE - May 2021
An example of equity in contrast to equality. One size does not fit all. Equity recognizes the different contexts (from societal to personal) in which people live, and allocates resources accordingly (i.e.: the different styles and sizes of bicycles).
Lincoln has many wonderful qualities as a community — one of them being the interconnectedness of a lot of the organizations in Lincoln. In fact, I’ve heard often that Lincoln feels like a “big small town.” Continue reading…
May is the month to get delicious, local asparagus! I visit the Saturday or Sunday Farmers markets and buy it by the bunch. Typically, I just add olive oil and pepper to asparagus to keep it simple. The recipe below offers a more robust seasoning option. Continue reading…
Do you want to make the very best use of your vegetable garden this year? Or maybe you only have a small space available for the vegetable garden? There are several ways to practice intensive gardening, making every inch of garden space count. Continue reading…
In May, plant marigold, petunia, ageratum and begonia transplants. All are good border plants.
Cabbage loopers and imported cabbage worms are green caterpillars. They eat large holes in the leaves of plants in the cabbage family. Continue reading…
In last month's Iron and Manganese article, the concentration that can cause taste, appearance and staining was incorrect, it should have read 300 micrograms per liter (μg/L) or parts per billion (ppb). Continue reading…
The University of Nebraska–Lincoln Department of Agricultural Economics annually surveys land industry professionals across Nebraska including appraisers, farm and ranch managers, agricultural bankers and related industry professionals. Continue reading…
Every year, Nebraska Extension receives many calls from people across the state on one of the most problematic plant pests: Japanese beetles. The invasive beetle feeds on the leaves, flowers or fruit of over 300 species of plants, from agricultural commodities such as soybean and corn Continue reading…
It seems like everywhere I go I see young children glued to a screen. In the car, at the baseball game, waiting for their food to arrive at the restaurant. Of course, often the adults are just as guilty — myself included. Continue reading…
The Lancaster County 4-H Speech and Public Service Announcement (PSA) contest was held on March 14. More than 51 Lancaster County 4-H youth competed in this year’s communication events. Continue reading…
The 4-H Stampede was held March 27 at UNL’s East Campus. 71 youth from across the state competed in contests including photography, art, demonstration, public speaking and horse quiz bowl. Complete results are at Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Rusty and Heidi Hanley of Lincoln as co-winners of the May “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service. They have volunteered as project leaders for 10 years with the Lincoln Shooting Stars, a 4-H shooting sports club. Continue reading…
Lancaster County 4-H Council is one of the nonprofits the community can give donations to during “Give to Lincoln Day” hosted by Lincoln Community Foundation. Your donation on May 25 is increased by a proportional share of a $500,000 challenge match fund!
Lancaster County 4-H’s EGG Cam allows you and other viewers around the world to witness the amazing process of chicks hatching! This hatch will feature ducks! Eggs set in incubator: May 13. Ducks hatch date: June 10–11.
Lancaster County 4-H Clover College is four days of in-person, “hands-on” workshops full of fun and a sense of belonging. Learning topics include STEAM concepts of science, technology, engineering, art and math which can spark career interests. There are 49 total workshops in 2021! Continue reading…
The Lancaster County 4-H Horse VIPS Committee is sponsoring a 4-H Pre-Districts Clinic/Show on Saturday, May 22, 8:30 a.m. at the Lancaster Event Center Fairgrounds – Pavilion 3. Youth ages 8–18 are welcome; need not be in 4-H! Contact Kate at 402-441-7180 by May 14 to reserve stalls and shavings. Continue reading…
Nebraska 4-H is presenting a Youth Leadership Conference July 1–3 at the Nebraska State 4-H Camp in Halsey, Neb. This is an opportunity for High School students (ages 14–18) to develop and practice leadership skills while exploring camp activities. Register by June 1 at
The monthly NEBLINE newsletter is published in this e-newsletter format as well as PDF format. A print version is available free to residents in U.S. postal codes: 683xx, 684xx, 685xx, 68003, 68017, 68065.
Upcoming 4-H events and deadlines are published in the "4-H - Lancaster County" weekly e-newsletter. All enrolled 4-H families who provide their email address in 4HOnline automatically receive this e-newsletter. Anyone can view it at