Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Mary Delhay of Eagle as winner of the December “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.
She has volunteered with 4-H since 1992, when she started the Rabbits R Us club (which still exists with different leaders). For many years, Mary was heavily involved with the rabbit program as a member of the Rabbit Volunteers in Program Service (VIPS) Committee, helping organize the annual Spring Rabbit Show and assisting with 4-H rabbit shows at the Lancaster County Super Fair.
Currently, Mary helps during 4-H Fashion Show judging day and volunteers to judge 4-H general area projects at the Lancaster County Super Fair. She also helps other club leaders when needed, such as mentoring a new leader and stepping in for a leader during a temporary absence.
“I like being a 4-H volunteer because I enjoy helping 4-H’ers acquire and develop new skills,” Mary says. “It is exciting to watch young people flourish in the 4-H program knowing that what they are learning today will help them thrive as adults in the future. My favorite experience as a 4-H volunteer is watching 4-H’ers overcoming obstacles and fears to achieve their goals.”