Lancaster County 4-H is proud to announce Anna Kelley of Lincoln as winner of the November “Heart of 4-H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.
Anna is a 4-H alumni from Sarpy County, and about 1-1/2 years ago, she contacted Lancaster County 4-H to find out how she could volunteer. A replacement leader was needed for the Super Shamrocks 4-H Club, and Anna agreed to step in. This club for youth ages 8–18 includes several members who aged out of the Clover Kids club for youth ages 5–7. Both clubs meet at the same time and place for the convenience of families with children in both age groups. Anna has led Super Shamrock members in projects such as making vegetable seed ID boards. At this year’s Lancaster County Super Fair, she helped in the photography project area during 4-H static exhibit check-in and judging day.
“As a club leader, I can watch each member grow in their confidence, leadership and knowledge in various STEM areas in every meeting we hold,” Anna says. “Making connections with youth in my community is such a rewarding and fulfilling experience, and it is my way of giving back to 4-H as a 4-H alumni. My favorite experience as a 4-H volunteer is watching members of my club enter exhibits in the fair, as well as seeing them improve year after year!”