Lancaster County 4‑H is proud to announce Tom and Becky Schuerman of Martell as winners of the February “Heart of 4‑H Award” in recognition of outstanding volunteer service.
They have helped with 4‑H in Gage County for over 15 years, helping with livestock projects for two clubs and at the Gage County Fair. Tom was also a fair superintendent for engineering exhibits.
For 5 years, Tom and Becky have been involved with Lancaster County 4‑H, helping set up static exhibit displays and poultry cages at the Lancaster County Super Fair, as well as hauling large items in their pickup. They also have loaned a chest freezer for freezing water bottles to keep rabbits cool at fair. For this year’s Horse Awards Night, Tom and Becky donated 10-foot wooden cowboy/cowgirl silhouettes they previously built for the Norris High School Band program.
“We have always believed in and enjoyed giving back to our community in whatever ways we can,” Becky says. “It has been exciting to witness and help kids grow, learn and build their knowledge base through their projects each year. Seeing the pride and sense of responsibility the kids exhibit with their static and livestock projects is always a neat thing!”