HORTICULTURE — Greener Town Grant Applications Due Aug. 31

Fireworks restaurant bioswale in Lincoln captures stormwater from adjacent parking lots and buildings absorbing excess runoff, filtering pollutants and creating habitat for birds and insects. (Photo courtesy of Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, plantnebraska)
Fireworks restaurant bioswale in Lincoln captures stormwater from adjacent parking lots and buildings absorbing excess runoff, filtering pollutants and creating habitat for birds and insects. (Photo courtesy of Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, plantnebraska)

Are you ready to make a change to beautify your community, neighborhood, school or fairgrounds? Now is the time to consider applying for a Greener Towns grant to help fund your project.

Greener Towns is a program coordinated by the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum (NSA) in partnership with the Nebraska Forest Service and the Nebraska Environmental Trust, providing funding and design assistance for the development of community spaces statewide. The program’s goal is to help communities plant trees and gardens that build soil, save energy, protect water and create wildlife habitat.

Municipalities, city departments, schools or parent-teacher organizations, neighborhood associations, garden clubs, non-profit organizations and other community organizations. This program is not for home or commercial landscape projects, but could include the development or improvement of greenspaces along a street or trail, city park, golf course, school, library, courthouse, cemetery, fairground or other public community spaces.

Over the last 30 years, NSA has assisted more than 1,500 projects in over 250 communities.

Design assistance is available to help your dream for the community space become a reality. Together, NSA will help you transform the green space into a remarkable community addition that celebrates people and nature. They will help you develop a landscape plan that fits your budget and comfort level, including a map of plant locations and a species list to present to nurseries, contractors and volunteers.

Greener Towns can award $1,000–$20,000 to a project but does require dollar-for-dollar matching funds through contributions, donations or volunteer time.

The application period for this year’s grants opened June 1. Visit http://Plantnebraska.org and go to Community Landscapes > Project Funding > Greener Towns for more information and application forms.

• June 1–Aug. 31, 2019: Application period.
• Dec. 31, 2019: Final design due.
• May–September 2020: Project installation.
• Dec. 31, 2020: Project completion deadline.