2015 DRI Law Student Diversity Scholarship

2015 DRI Law Student Diversity Scholarship
2015 DRI Law Student Diversity Scholarship

DRI announces its annual Law Student Diversity Scholarship program, open to rising (2015-16) second- and third-year African American, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, LGBT and Multi-Racial students. The goal of these scholarships is to provide financial assistance to two worthy law students from ABA-accredited law schools to promote, in a tangible way, the DRI Diversity Statement of Principle.

All rising second- and third-year female law students are also eligible, regardless of race or ethnicity. Any other rising second- and third-year law students who come from backgrounds that would add to the cause of diversity, regardless of race or gender, are eligible to apply.

To qualify for this scholarship, a candidate must be a full-time student. Evening students also qualify for consideration if they have completed one-third or more of the total credit hours required for a degree by the applicant's law school.

Two scholarships in the amount of $10,000 each will be awarded to applicants who best meet the following criteria:

- Demonstrated academic excellence
- Service to the profession
- Service to the community
- Service to the cause of diversity

Applications must be received by DRI no later than Monday, March 30, 2015. Scholarship winners will be notified in advance and will be officially announced at the Diversity for Success Seminar this June in Chicago.

More information: http://dri.org/About#diversity