From the Library

Richard Leiter
Richard Leiter

CaseMaker training on Wednesday at noon
The Nebraska State Bar will be hosting a representative from CaseMaker to provide an overview and training in how to use the service, which is free to all state bar members. A Val's pizza lunch will be served Wednesday, March 11, from noon - 1:100pm in Room 125.

National Library Week
The law library will celebrate National Library Week (April 12-18) with a community coffee on April 15 and games, drawings and prizes thoughout the week. Follow us on Twitter (@schmidlibrary) to get the latest information.

Calling Law Student Artists!
We invite current law students to participate in our next art exhibition from April 1 - May 11. This exhibit will feature law student-created art. If you have prepared art (framed and ready to hang) and are interested in participating please Marcia Dority Baker.

The law library is very excited to host law student art in April especially with many events happening at Nebraska Law later this semester.

Here is the art show application link: Please complete the application by March 20th, Marcia will email the artists after that date about bringing art to the law library. The show will open on April 1st, I need all art work by Monday, March 30th.

Research Palooza
Back by popular demand: Research Palooza will be held the Friday, May 8. Mark your calendars! If you have any subjects that you want to be sure that we cover, please let us know.