2023 Nebraska LTAP Survey
Each year, Nebraska LTAP meets with the advisory board and prepares a program plan for the coming year for NDOT and FHWA. We need need your opinion! Complete our survey.
Each year, Nebraska LTAP meets with the advisory board and prepares a program plan for the coming year for NDOT and FHWA. We need need your opinion! Complete our survey.
Mitch asks for your help and highlights a new equipment training opportunity in this month's memo. Continue reading…
As we all await green landscapes, we are excited to announce an addition to our online equipment training options through VISTA: Roadside Mowing. Reach out to Phyllis to discuss equipment training options.
This spring's Temporary Traffic Control course sessions are nearing the end. If you need the training/certification, register today! Sessions remain in Scottsbluff, Lincoln, and Norfolk. Continue reading…
Click through to see the LTAP update shared at the recent NACO district meetings and access NDOT presentations. Continue reading…
More details at: https://www.ltap.unl.edu/neltap/2023_Spring_NACO_Meeting.aspEach year the FHWA Center for Local Aid Support and LTAP's across the nation sponsor the Build a Better Mousetrap competition. We are now accepting nominations. If you have something to share, we can help complete the application. Continue reading…
More details at: https://www.ltap.unl.edu/neltap/Build_A_Better_Mousetrap.aspApril 17-21 brings Work Zone Awareness Week. Mark the week in your department with training, reminding the public to use caution in work zones, and remembering those whose lives have been lost. Continue reading…
Nebraska LTAP is offering the Road Safety Champion Program from the Rural Road Safety Center online. Register for the April 7 session, Intersection of Transportation with Public Health and Law Enforcement and the May 5 session, Reading the Roadway. Continue reading…
More details at: https://unl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvdOuvrDMsGdFW3eLZ0V7wIHGLJJXFBxzJNebraska is hosting the 2023 APWA North American Snow Conference April 16-19 in Omaha. Click through to learn more about the event, see ways to attend for free or reduced cost, and register. Continue reading…
More details at: https://snow.apwa.net/SNOW/Home/SNOW/Home.aspx?hkey=25b75d74-1dec-447f-bce6-e0e5b0c03f7bFHWA is launching a new webinar series, Equity in Roadway Safety, with a Leadership Panel on Monday, April 17 at 11 Central/10 Mountain. Learn more and register at https://highways.dot.gov/safety/zero-deaths/fhwa-leadership-panel-equity-roadway-safety.
The 38th Regional Local Roads Conference will be held October 23-25 in Sioux Falls, SD at the Denny Sanford Premier Center. Registration will open at 8:00 am CST on Wednesday August 23, 2023. Continue reading…
The website of the Nebraska Association of County Engineers, County Highway Superintendents, and County Surveyors web site is up to date with information about 2023 membership dues and summer meeting registration including the golf outing.
More details at: https://nacenebraska.wixsite.com/nebraska-naceRecent Newsletters
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