Wednesday, January 20 - Last day to withdraw from one or more courses for the Pre-session (three week session)
Friday, January 22 - Classes end and final examinations (three week session)
Monday, January 25 - Spring 2021 Regular Academic Session and Late Registration begins ($100.00 late registration fee assessed)
Friday, January 29 - Final day to apply for a degree in May
Monday, February 1 - Last day for full semester course registrations and adds
Friday, February 5 - Last day to file a drop to remove a full semester course from student's record and to drop a full semester course and receive 75% refund
Friday, February 12 - Last day to withdraw from a full semester course and receive 50% refund
Friday, February 19 - Last day to withdraw from a full semester course and receive 25% refund
Monday, March 1 - Open Registration for Summer Sessions 2021 Begins
Friday, March 26 - Last day to change a full semester course registration to or from "Pass/No Pass"
Monday, March 29 - Priority Registration for Fall Semester 2021 Begins
Wednesday, April 14 - Open Registration for Fall Semester 2021 Begins
Friday, April 16 - Last day to withdraw from one or more full semester courses for the term
Monday, May 3 - Friday, May 7 - Spring 2021 Final Exams
Friday, May 7 - Spring Semester Graduate Commencement and Doctoral Hooding Ceremony
Saturday, May 8 - Spring Semester Undergraduate Commencement
Monday, May 17 - Pre-Session and 8-Week Session Classes for the Summer 2021 Semester Begin
Friday, June 4 - Pre-Session Classes for the Summer 2021 Semesterend and final examinations
Monday, June 7 - First 5-Week Session Classes for Summer 2021 Semester Begin
Monday, July 5 - Student and Staff Holiday - UNL offices closed in observance of Independance Day
Friday, July 9 - 8-Week Session and First 5-Week Session Classes for the Summer 2021 Semester end and final examinations
Monday, July 12 - Second 5-Week Session Classes for the Summer 2021 Semester Begin
Thursday, August 12 - Second 5-Week Session Classes for the Summer 2021 Semester end and final examinations
Saturday, August 14 - Summer Semester Undergraduate & Graduate Commencement and Doctoral Hooding Ceremony