The Ross Mathematics Program is looking for math graduate students or upper division undergraduates who have taken a college course in Abstract Algebra and are familiar with some elementary number theory. These students will serve as counselors for a six week summer program for high school students. Counselors also need strong social skills to enable them to take leading roles in supervising and guiding teenagers.
The 2021 Ross Program will be an intensive, six-week, online math camp for high school students who are deeply interested in mathematics. Students take a proof-based Number Theory course that involves challenging daily problem sets. Each Ross counselor supervises a small group of students, grading their written work and providing advice on proof-writing and problem-solving. Counselors are also participate in more advanced math classes, and have opportunities to present their own informal math lectures.
The 2021 Program will be online for 6 weeks: Sunday June 27 through Friday August 6, 2021.
Ross Counselors receive a base salary of $3000. There will be opportunities for additional pay as extra tasks arise.
Visit https://rossprogram.org/counselors/ for further information about this job.
Job offers will be made during the first few months of 2021.
Click here to apply to be a Ross Counselor!