South Dakota State University Promoting Leadership in Advanced-Research-Computing for INterdisciplinary Sectors 2021 (SDSU PLAINS REU 2021)
South Dakota State University faculty members from the Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering, the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, and the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences are excited to provide cutting-edge research experiences for undergraduate students.
This REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) program is open to US citizens and permanent residents pursuing a baccalaureate or associate degree in any STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Discipline.
REU student participants will be engaged in an intensive ten-week program (June 2-August 6, 2021) that uses High Performance Computing, Big Data, and computationally intensive models in the areas of:
• Mathematics, Statistics, and Computational Science
• HPC Cyberinfrastructure, Development and Optimization
• Engineered Systems, and
• Biological & Medical Sciences
Student participants will be actively engaged in next-generation training through our HPC/Big-Data Bootcamp. In addition, REU Site participants will participate in holistic, integrated research activities focused on the Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research, Emotional Intelligence, and Career Development. The REU Site also has a variety of extracurricular activities to let you experience the great State of South Dakota!
This REU Site is seeking students who have completed one to two years of college and who are majoring in mathematics, statistics, engineering, computational sciences, biological sciences, technology, or a related discipline. Students who are attending community or four-year colleges are encouraged to apply!
Important Dates
• March 8, 2021: Application deadline for full consideration
• March 21, 2021 (approximately): Selected students will be contacted
• April 10, 2021: Selection process is expected to be finalized
• June 2-August 6, 2021: REU Site is in session (10 weeks
Participant Benefits
• $6,000 stipend
• $1,200 meal allowance
• Up to $600 travel reimbursement
• On-campus housing
Additional details and application materials are available at: http://www.sdstate.edu/me/reu
For additional information, please contact:
Dr. Stephen Gent (PLAINS REU Program Director)
605.688.5337 or Stephen.Gent@sdstate.edu
Dr. Jung-Han Kimn (PLAINS REU Associate Program Director)
605.688.5842 or Jung-Han.Kimn@sdstate.edu
More details at: https://www.sdstate.edu/mechanical-engineering/research-experience-undergraduates