46th Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference
The 46th Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference (NYSRGMC) will happen virtually on Saturday, April 10th. Graduate and undergraduate students from any field are welcome to attend. This year, there will be a poster session for undergraduate folks to present their research work!
About the Conference
The Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference (ANYSRGMC) is the longest running graduate mathematics conference in the country, and is organized entirely by graduate students. ANYSRGMC is a Mathematics conference dedicated to providing an opportunity for mathematics graduate students in any field to present their research or give an expository talk. The ANYSRGMC allows students from many fields and schools, who normally are not given a chance to interact, an opportunity to come together and explore a wide variety of mathematical topics simultaneously. Students have a unique chance to explore their interests, gain new insights across fields, and explore possible cross-disciplinary collaborative efforts. This is a unique opportunity for beginning graduate students to see a broad range of current mathematical research simultaneously and explore their interests. Though the focus of ANYSRGMC is on graduate students, advanced high school students or undergraduates, post-docs, and professors are welcome to attend and give talks. It is our goal to develop careers, broaden horizons, and engage the mathematics community at large.
Conference Registration
You may register for the 46th Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference at this link or using the link below. Registration is open until the day of the conference; however, if you plan on giving a talk or presenting a poster, you must submit your title and abstract by March 27, 2021. If the deadline has passed but you wish to give a talk or present a poster, please, contact the organizers to check if arrangements can be made. Funding for the conference has been made possible by support from the Syracuse Mathematics Department, Graduate Student Organization, the American Mathematical Society (AMS), and by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Date, Location, & Format
Because of the on-going threat and restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 46th Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference will be held entirely online on Saturday April 10, 2021. Details about times, talks, and the Zoom links are forthcoming and will be sent via email and posted to the conference webpage. The conference will consist of two plenary talks and dozens of graduate student talks given in parallel sessions. All graduate students at any stage of their graduate education are welcome and encouraged to give a 20–25 minute talk. Talks may be expository or on the student’s research. Undergraduate students participating in the conference may present a poster on original/expository material or they may give a talk—in either case the material should be ‘appropriate’ for the conference. The deadline for submitting a talk or poster proposal is March 27, 2021.
More information about the conference and the keynote speakers can be found here: https://mgo.syr.edu/conferences/upcoming/.