David Harold Blackwell Summer Research Institute
June 16, 2022 to July 29, 2022
The David Harold Blackwell Summer Research Institute, led by Profs. Todd Coleman (UCSD Bioengineering), Wilfrid Gangbo (UCLA Math), and Jelani Nelson (UC Berkeley EECS) is open for applications. We aim to honor Blackwell’s legacy by attempting to increase the number of undergraduate students who aspire to achieve his level of excellence and widen participation of African-American men and women in obtaining PhDs in the mathematical sciences.
Application Deadline: February 15, 2022
The David Harold Blackwell Summer Research Institute is a six-week competitive summer activity designed to provide research experience to talented undergraduate students. Students will conduct research in Applied Probability, Analysis, or Theoretical Computer Science, under the supervision of faculty members who are experts in these areas.
During the program, each participant will:
- Conduct research on one of the UC Campuses under the direction of a
faculty member
- Receive funding for six weeks of lodging, meals and incidentals.
- Receive funding for one round-trip travel to California.
After the six-week program, each participant will:
- Continue receiving advice from their program mentor for graduate school application
- Get connected as needed to students with more experience.
Application Requirements:
1. Transcript
2. Two Letters of References
3. CV
4. Statement of Purpose
5. Diversity Statement
Email: DHBSRI@math.ucla.edu
Application: https://www.mathprograms.org/db/programs/1212
Website: https://ww3.math.ucla.edu/david-harold-blackwell-summer-research-institute/